Coffee & Conversation
Ladies, join us for coffee & conversation! We have fellowship and an encouraging word, the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10am.
Ladies, join us for coffee & conversation! We have fellowship and an encouraging word, the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10am.
Pastor Danny will have a devotion and fellowship with a great breakfast provided by Miss Norma. You don’t want to miss this Men’s Breakfast the 1st Saturday of each month.
For more information or to register for water baptism, click the button below.
Join us on Sunday, June 30th for our 4th of July celebration. We will have hamburgers, hot dogs, snow cones, bounce houses, games, karaoke and more. We can’t wait to celebrate our Independence together.
Join Pastor Danny at Famous Amos on N. Main Street for breakfast and devotions.
Celebrate Father’s Day with us on Sunday, June 16th! We will have a special gift for each father present and a photo wall to capture family snaps!
Come join us for a VBS like no other!! 5:30-8:30pm, Monday through Friday! There is going to be so many games, prizes, crafts, food and so much more! You do NOT want to miss it! It’s going to be, A PARTY! Registration is required so register today!
Cost for VBS is free
Ages 4 through 5th Grade
Come on out and get your car washed and support our students at they raise funds to go to PF youth camp. If you would like to donate online, you can click the link below and select youth camp.
Westside men, join Pastor Danny for breakfast, devotions and fellowship at Norma’s Kitchen.
Men join Pastor Danny for our bi-weekly Men’s Breakfast and devotion. This will be at Famous Amos on N. Main Street at 8am, Tuesday, May 28th.
Join us as we recognize our Graduates on Sunday, May 28th during our 10am service. If you have a student graduating please see Pastor Amanda to have them recognized.
Men join Pastor Danny for our bi-weekly Men’s Breakfast and devotion. This will be at Famous Amos on N. Main Street at 8am, Tuesday, May 14th.
Mother’s Day is around the corner. We want to invite you to come to church with your mom and celebrate her. There will be a photo wall for the entire family to capture your love for mom and a gift for every mother.
Ladies, we have our special Mother’s Day Coffee & Conversation on Saturday, May 11th. We will be have tea at Cup of Dreams. If you would like to go, please RSVP with Vickie Fuller as space is limited.
The first Sunday of every month is Missions Sunday. This is where we give above and beyond our normal tithe’s and offering to support 14 different missionaries at home and abroad. If you would like to give, please click the link below and scroll to the option of missions and this will go directly toward missions.
Northside men, your next breakfast on Tuesday, April 30th at Famous Amos on N. Main Street. For more information, please reach out to Pastor Danny or email the office at office@cohjax.com
Westside men, you don’t want to miss this months breakfast at Norma’s Kitchen. If you need further details, please reach out to Pastor Danny or email the church office at office@cohjax.com
We invite the entire family to come out to see the latest release: “Wonka”! Everything is free. We will have popcorn, hot chocolate, assorted chocolates and even a golden ticket or two. We can’t wait to see you this Friday night!
We would love for you to join us for our Easter Celebration!!
There will be fun foods, egg hunts, games, candy and so much more! Register today, you don’t want to miss it!
Super Saturdays are a big deal. We want to get to know you and others in our community. It’s a great opportunity to bring the kids out for a family friendly fun activity. We hope you’ll plan to join us. We can’t wait to see you there.
Are you looking for a place where you can grow in Christ and fellowship with other women? We invite you to join us for Coffee & Conversation. Refreshments will be served. We can’t wait to see you.
Source:: https://www.cohjax.com/ladies
YOU’RE INVITED to A Christmas Celebration big enough for the whole family. Take a break from all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and join us Saturday, December 9 from 3-5pm. We’ll have games, music, a gingerbread contest, Christmas cookies and so much more!
We invite you to join us on Saturday, November 18 for Christmas decorating. We’ll begin at 10:00 am and finish up around 12 noon. It will be a great time of fellowship as we decorate the church for the Christmas season. We hope you’ll plan to join us.
Bring the entire family out for our Harvest Festival. There will be FREE hayrides, games, fun food, s’mores, bounce house and so much more. You don’t want to miss it.
Bring the entire family out for a free fun movie. Concessions will be available and all proceeds will go toward future Encounter Hope Youth Events.
Are you a new believer in Christ? Would you like to refresh your walk with Jesus? Then Starting Point is a great class for you. We meet as a group every Sunday morning at 8:45am with members of our staff. They will walk you through this dynamic book as you build a foundation that is key in walking with Christ.
Join us any Sunday as we continuously cycle through the book.
Books are available for free.
Childcare is provided.
Ladies, if you are looking for a place where you can grow and Christ and fellowship with other like minded women, then Coffee & Conversation is the place for you. We meet the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10am. There are light refreshments and a relaxed environment were a devotion or testimony is shared. We can’t wait to see you.
The first Sunday of each month we gather together to pray corporately as a body. We will have some worship and then pray for each other and for our community. We begin at 6pm and go roughly until 8pm. We hope you will join us for our next evening of prayer, because we know that prayer changes things!
We love our community and so we want to show this, by providing backpacks for students who may need some help in our community. Check out Back to School page for more information.